Neglected Doubles Investigations
Some Neglected doubles I have investigated
HJ 2302 – Neglected (DSSC14)
HJ 2452 – Neglected (DSSC15)
HJ 258/GRV916/SPN1- Data error (DSSC15)
SHR1- Co-ordinate error (DSSC15)
HL 30AB/STU 2 – Duplication (DSSC15)
J252 – Neglected(DSSC17)
SEI 520 – Co-ordinate error
CHE 141/142 – duplicate & Co-ordinate error
HJ3027 – Co-ordinate error
BOT 3 – Transcription error.
HJ 2452 – Neglected (DSSC15)
HJ 258/GRV916/SPN1- Data error (DSSC15)
SHR1- Co-ordinate error (DSSC15)
HL 30AB/STU 2 – Duplication (DSSC15)
J252 – Neglected(DSSC17)
SEI 520 – Co-ordinate error
CHE 141/142 – duplicate & Co-ordinate error
HJ3027 – Co-ordinate error
BOT 3 – Transcription error.
SHR 1 Brief History
1st Measure 1910 and listed in Astronomische Nachrichten for 1913
Strasbourg Observatory, K Schiller
Only 2 nights measures of PA
Only 1 nights measures of separation
Considered ‘Lost’
SHR 1 Analysis
SHR 1 is a neglected pair in Cephus at 21h27.5m +70o28’ that has only been observed once. The WDS co-ordinates place the pair approximately 10 arc minutes south west of Beta Cephei. When sweeping this area with the 6mm Orthoscopic eyepiece (x200) I found and two possible pairs. They were to faint to measure visually so using the Aladin database I have confirm the existence of these pairs and their structure
Pair 1 is located 3 arc minutes to the west of Beta Cephei and about 7 arc minutes north east of the WDS co-ordinates. Whilst the co-ordinates are a poor fit to the WDS data, the structure of the pair is good fit. Pair 2 is located 6 arc minutes north east of star BD +69 1172 and is very close to the position given in the WDS but the PA and separation are not a good fit also this pair is also fainter so the magnitude data in the WDS fits Pair 1 better.
SHR1 Pair 1 Pair 2
Position 21h27.5m +70o28’ 21h28.8m +70o34’ 21h27.5m +70o28’
Magnitudes 10.2, 10.7 ~11 ~11.5
Separation 12.1 11.1 7.5
PA 151 143.2 279
Measures 1 1 1
Year 1910 1995 1995
SHR 1 analysis confirmation email
Hi Brian/Bob
I have been investigating this neglected pair and would like to share
what I have found. Bob has been helping me with this investigation and I have written a
piece for the DSSC15.
Whilst finding this pair I found 2 pairs that could be SHR 1.
One pair is a good fit with PA/Sep & magnitudes.
The other pair is at the correct co-ordinates (taking precession into
account). Both pairs show slight proper motion but not enough to explain the
difference in co-ordinates.
I am coming to the conclusion that Schiller measured the 1st pair but put the co-ordinates down for the
2nd pair.
I would like to know what you think.
That looks like the right conclusion to me.
Hi Ian,
I'm pretty sure that you are right when you say that Schiller observed Pair 1 and gave the position for Pair 2.
In that case the WDS needs to have the revised position for SHR 1 and then an entry for the other pair.
1st Measure 1910 and listed in Astronomische Nachrichten for 1913
Strasbourg Observatory, K Schiller
Only 2 nights measures of PA
Only 1 nights measures of separation
Considered ‘Lost’
SHR 1 Analysis
SHR 1 is a neglected pair in Cephus at 21h27.5m +70o28’ that has only been observed once. The WDS co-ordinates place the pair approximately 10 arc minutes south west of Beta Cephei. When sweeping this area with the 6mm Orthoscopic eyepiece (x200) I found and two possible pairs. They were to faint to measure visually so using the Aladin database I have confirm the existence of these pairs and their structure
Pair 1 is located 3 arc minutes to the west of Beta Cephei and about 7 arc minutes north east of the WDS co-ordinates. Whilst the co-ordinates are a poor fit to the WDS data, the structure of the pair is good fit. Pair 2 is located 6 arc minutes north east of star BD +69 1172 and is very close to the position given in the WDS but the PA and separation are not a good fit also this pair is also fainter so the magnitude data in the WDS fits Pair 1 better.
SHR1 Pair 1 Pair 2
Position 21h27.5m +70o28’ 21h28.8m +70o34’ 21h27.5m +70o28’
Magnitudes 10.2, 10.7 ~11 ~11.5
Separation 12.1 11.1 7.5
PA 151 143.2 279
Measures 1 1 1
Year 1910 1995 1995
SHR 1 analysis confirmation email
Hi Brian/Bob
I have been investigating this neglected pair and would like to share
what I have found. Bob has been helping me with this investigation and I have written a
piece for the DSSC15.
Whilst finding this pair I found 2 pairs that could be SHR 1.
One pair is a good fit with PA/Sep & magnitudes.
The other pair is at the correct co-ordinates (taking precession into
account). Both pairs show slight proper motion but not enough to explain the
difference in co-ordinates.
I am coming to the conclusion that Schiller measured the 1st pair but put the co-ordinates down for the
2nd pair.
I would like to know what you think.
That looks like the right conclusion to me.
Hi Ian,
I'm pretty sure that you are right when you say that Schiller observed Pair 1 and gave the position for Pair 2.
In that case the WDS needs to have the revised position for SHR 1 and then an entry for the other pair.